About me:
Yes, I will write something about me soon… this section is not left blank symbolically ;)
Meanwhile, I would love to hear your thoughts about my paintings. Please leave a quick comment here. Thank you so much!
About Digital Paintings:
While I have briefly worked in different mediums like water colors, color pencils etc. and enjoyed the unique set of pros, cons and techniques associated with each medium; I have really come to like Digital Paintings.
So, what is a ‘Digital’ painting’?
For me, it is traditional art using a PC or a Graphics Tablet like Wacom. Essentially I try to draw/paint everything and do not use built-in software features which kind of automate the ‘effect’. I always start with a blank/white background (a scary thing to look at :) ) and go from there. I am proud to say I’m self-taught in ‘Digital Paintings’; learning & understanding basic drawing principles and observing the masters.